The Mohicans Retreat

It happened! November 26-28 2021 in the Mohicans. My first ever yoga retreat! 19 yogis joined me for a weekend off the grid! It was everything I dreamed of and more. An amazing weekend full of yoga, hiking, delicious food, meditation, rest and community! 

The retreat had two options for lodging: shared cabin space- inside beautiful Amish built, fully furnished cabins; or for a little more privacy, folks could chose to sleep in the trees in real tree houses. We dinned and did yoga together in the grand barn- a beautiful lodge within walking distance from the cabins and tree houses. Our home cooked meals were prepared by our personal chef, Kevin, including both vegetarian and vegan options. We ate together at an enormous table- made from one very large tree- all fitting around the table, it was a beautiful opportunity to connect and share. 

The yoga classes were thoughtful and inclusive with lots of different options… strong vinyasa flows to slower more grounded practices, including restorative. Students were invited to pick and choose their practices based on their individual needs. We meditated together and were treated to a soothing sound bath Saturday evening by Becky. 

A retreat wouldn’t be a retreat without the right amount of free time sprinkled into the weekend. During that time some of us napped, some cuddled up with an inspiring book, and some of us huddled together in a cozy loft, listening to music, playing board games and reading tarot cards. 

Last, but not least- our time in nature! We bonded over fire circles under lightly falling snow and took an incredible 3-hour hike in the Mohican- Memorial State Forest; exploring covered bridges, rock formations and water falls. 

All that is pretty awesome- right? But none of it would matter without the students. Each and every one of them showed up, held space for each other, connected, and contributed their beautiful light to the retreat. It would not have been the same if any single one of them was missing. I am in awe of their openness, their willingness and their authenticity. I am forever grateful them for allowing me to be their guide and trusting me to provide them with a kick-ass retreat experience. 

want to join my next retreat?

For this retreat and every retreat I run, there is a scholarship spot. In order to apply the applicant must not be able to financially afford it.  All applicants will answer the following two questions:

1. Why would this retreat be of value to you?
2. How would you pay it forward? 

Special shout out to my support team: Kevin (the chef) Victoria (the assistant) and Evan (the hike master)! Having not one, not two, but three of my closest friends on my first retreat… now that is a support team! I simply couldn’t have done it without them. They supported me before (for weeks of debating, self doubt and anxiety) and during the entire weekend. And finally, to my partner Joe- for all his help in planning- (oh! so much tech!), the emotional support, last minute errands and holding down the fort at home with our daughter while I was away.


Hope you enjoyed this post!

Thanks for being here! I’d love to connect with you. Stay tuned for more posts coming soon!

- Kat


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